Saturday, December 6, 2008

Amazing Night

Nicks Crazy Nurses We LOVE them!!!
Charlene Another Cfer

Nick and I

So last week Nick and I got invited to A benefit for Cystic Fibrosis. Nicks Dr.s office has A foundation and puts on this silent auction every year. It was really neat, They have all kinds of Baskets,Gift certificates,Food, All kinds of stuff to bid on. Every bit of money that was raised that night comes back to the Cf patients. It really was wonderful to see people get together for the cause. It was also nice to see Nicks old Dr.s from Wilkerson's there, Nicks nurses and his current Dr.s. Everyone was having such A good time. There was also two other people there with CF. It was so good to get to talk to other CFers who know exactly what we are going through. We met A lady there named Charlene, She is 47 (Sorry Charlene) and just found out about A year ago that she has CF. She looked great and seemed to be in good health. As we got to talking to her it was so funny because her and Nick were SO much alike. I was so surprised to sit back and watch Nick for once talk and talk and talk. If you know Nick you know he is A very shy person. So I was so thrilled to see him so thrilled to talk to another CFer.She told me about how she has adopted her daughter. She said some things to me about the whole Children subject that really touched my heart. Nick and I have been struggling with the decision to adopt or go through with invetro and she said some things to me that just really clicked and helped me with that decision. Then we met A gentleman named Brian and his wife . He looked great he was 39 and seemed to be what we thought was in good health. Then I saw his wife in the restroom and we began to talk. His wife told me that he was doing wonderful until about 4 months ago. 4 Months ago they found out that her husband Brian and Stage 4 Cancer. He had been on Chemo for 4 months and she began to tell me that the night before the event he pulled his chemo plug and said he was done. She told me she thought CF was going to take her husband one day and then they get hit with this. It was crazy though they were in the best spirits . Not once did she seem down or upset or anything. She just told me that they were going to get through this . I was blown away by her faith and she really set A example for me that you really just have to have faith. You have to claim it that everything IS going to be OK. It was so great to hang out with Nicks nurses from the hospital. They love Nick SO much . They always say how good of A patient he is. It was so funny seeing them outside of the hospital they are so much fun. So all in all is was A amazing Night. I am so thankful for the AWESOME Dr and nurse that Nick has. They truly go above and beyond their duties. They are always there no matter what and really are our extended family. Hope everyone is having A great weekend... XoXo Always

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