Monday, October 18, 2010

Amazing News!!!

I bet you thought I was gonna tell you something about the house....

This may be A lot of mumbo jumbo for most of you.....Bare with me

Vertex Pharmaceuticals announced the initiation of the clinical trial for both of their drugs,VX-809 and VX-770.These two drugs are focused on the underlying cause of Cystic Fibrosis which is the defective or missing CFTR proteins.

The VX-809 drug is the one that targets the DeltaF508 mutation which is one of the mutations that Nick has and is also the most common.Both of these drugs are in phase 3 and they hope to have results in early 2011.

This news is SO exciting and brings up so many emotions of Joy and Hope.Just the thought that Nick would be free of this every day struggle leaves me speechless. With that being said I can honestly say I wouldn't change the past and that we have had the experience of Nick living with CF. It has made him A better person and me more humble in being his wife.It has taught me what life is REALLY about and has simply made us better people.It has given us something to fight for and the want for tomorrow and thankful for when it comes.

Keep praying that this trial will continue to go as well as it has and then remember to be thankful for the lessons this disease has given us. The good with the bad.

You can read more about the trial HERE

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