Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A little bit of honesty

Wheeewww I'm having one of those days again!! One of those days where I feel like or question weather or not Nick and I will ever be parents. I ask myself if this is apart of Gods plan, Maybe its not in his plans for Nick and I to be parents.
Id love to know the answer to that million dollar question..
Even though Nick and I are not at the point right now where we are ready for children the question of if and when are constantly in my mind. This past summer after talking with some amazing people I had such a peace about things.Now all these feelings of if,when,and how are coming up and it is just such a indescribable feeling.I guess it just seems that every one is expecting or just brought A beautiful life into this world and at the same time I am so happy for them its just another reminder of how far away it is for Nick and I.
I know that God is capable of some amazing things,
All I want is A answer. Maybe he is trying to teach me to be patient,What A lesson to learn I guess.
I wonder sometimes if Nick and I were serving God and if he was number one in our lives again if things would be different.
I just wish I had some kind of answer....And that days like this were far and few between.


Kristin said...

I know how you feel... we have days like that too.

Kristin said...

I know how you feel... we have days like that too.