Thursday, October 2, 2008


So for the past couple of days Nick has been coughing blood which is somewhat normal with someone with CF.What happens is Nicks insides get clogged up and when he coughs sometimes he coughs up A clot...Which causes like A open wound in the body and it causes it to bleed. Well usually it will heal up pretty much like A scab does and stop bleeding. Well this is the third day that he has been coughing up blood so I am getting kinda nervous. Usually we would call Nicks Dr and they would tell us where to go but it is after hours so they as kinda unavailable. So I am debating on whether I should drag his butt to the ER. I'm sure it is nothing but I am just A " Better safe then sorry" Kinda girl. Nick on the other hand is VERY STUBBORN and is trying to find every excuse under the sun not to go. AHHHH I am stressin...LOL Ok so back to convincing Nick to head to the ER and not wait until the AM... PRAY FOR US... XOXO


careysue said...

I hope he can get the bleed to stop! You seem like a wonderful couple...

God bless both of you.

Anonymous said...

I am the same way but I have learned if it is over 1 cup of blood to go directly to the ER. I pray that Nicks gets better fast. I will also pray for you so you can relax. God Bless You Both,

Anonymous said...

I pray for him everyday. Just keep it positive.