Friday, May 28, 2010

Majior Prayer Request

As most of you know last year Nick and I went to Sunny Shores Sea Camp.While we were there we met the Duffy family their daughter Maureen "Mo" has CF.She has been through quite A bit in her battle with cf even open heart surgery,But she has always been A fighter and pulled through. While we were down to visit my Mom and Step dad About A month ago we met up with Mo and her brother Billy and had A blast. They really are great people and Mo was doing well.Soon after getting home we got news that Mo was in the hospital and not doing well. At first they couldnt figure out what was wrong and wasn't sure how to treat her. Then the Dr. thought it was A virus from A bug bite so they were optimistic about this because they now knew how to treat he and said she would be looking up in 48-72 hours. The next morning Mo started vomiting blood and so they had to intubate her and put her on A ventilator and she was in ICU. Soon after they discovered she had A serious infection from her port. The bacteria that was causing the infection is EXTREMLY rare, So rare that they will be using Mo for future research. They removed the port hoping things would start getting better but then her lung collapsed which caused her numbers to go down.Things started to look A little better and then her numbers dropped dramaticlly so they have paralyzed her and she is now completely on the ventalater. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep her and this family in your prayers. Mo is A amazing person and has A full life to live she will get through this and come out fighting but needs A little help along the way. Thank you so much...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how old is Mo